***** **********Best Quality Guranteed. *****Full 10 modes OBD2 Car Diagnostic ScannerRead and erase fault codes, retrieve I/M readiness and freeze frame data, show live data in the text and graph format, auto VIN acquisition, O2 Sensor and EVAP Test (Mode 8), advanced On-board Monitoring (Mode 6). *****On-Board Monitor TestYou can use the car scanner to diagnose the misfire and the live O2 monitoring to get an idea a misfire is coming from which bank and cylinder. This code reader car diagnostic tool will graph all the real-time streaming data it reads, including but not limited to Engine Coolant Temperature, Short Term Fuel Trim, Long Term Fuel Trim, Engine RPM, Oxygen Sensor Output.
*****Wide Vehicle Coverage NT201 bi-directional vehicle check engine code reader will work on domestic and import vehicle, such as light-duty trucks (12v only), SUVs and mini-vans with standard OBD2/EOBD/JOBD&CAN protocol. European vehicles from 2000, American ones from 1996, and Asian from 2008. *****Des