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Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)

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Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life - by  Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 268
Genre: Self Improvement
Sub-Genre: Spiritual
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bookbaby
Age Range: Adult
Author: Hiroyuki Miyazaki
Language: English

About the Book

What's the meaning of life?
Am I really happy?
Why am I going through challenges?

As you make progress in overcoming life challenges and grow as a person, you'll eventually arrive at a crossroads, where you'll need to ask yourself these questions. These are calling for you to go on an adventure, to embark on your heroic journey into your inner world to discover who you truly are, what you really want, and why you were born.

Hiroyuki Hiro Miyazaki, the acknowledged expert in emotional healing and life coaching, answers these questions and offers a paradigm-shifting perspective in this book Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life. Through a series of deep, thought-provoking dialogues and stories, he uncovers the emotional pains from various life challenges that impede your authenticity and hamper your potential. He provides psychological insights, visualization exercises, and reflective questions that can begin to heal your deeply held pains and invite realizations to arise. In the process, you will discover your Phoenix, your life-changing transformation and renewed sense of identity that will successfully guide you through life.

Book Synopsis

What's the meaning of life?
Am I really happy?
Why am I going through challenges?

As you make progress in overcoming life challenges and grow as a person, you'll eventually arrive at a crossroads, where you'll need to ask yourself these questions. These are calling for you to go on an adventure, to embark on your heroic journey into your inner world to discover who you truly are, what you really want, and why you were born.

Hiroyuki Hiro Miyazaki, the acknowledged expert in emotional healing and life coaching, answers these questions and offers a paradigm-shifting perspective in this book Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life. Through a series of deep, thought-provoking dialogues and stories, he uncovers the emotional pains from various life challenges that impede your authenticity and hamper your potential. He provides psychological insights, visualization exercises, and reflective questions that can begin to heal your deeply held pains and invite realizations to arise. In the process, you will discover your Phoenix, your life-changing transformation and renewed sense of identity that will successfully guide you through life.

The phoenix is flying across time and space,
arriving at the crossroads of your life.
Doubt, and she'll disappear into thin air.
Chase, and she'll slip through your fingers like desert sand.
Surrender, and she'll show you the way to your destiny.
--Hiroyuki Hiro Miyazaki

Your Phoenix is your authentic higher self who knows exactly why you were born into this lifetime, what you really want, and where you are headed. As the process of discovering your authenticity involves letting go of the old and rebirthing into a new life, the Phoenix works very well as a metaphor to convey the transformational process and the magnitude of its importance in one's life. Your Phoenix contains your most deeply held beliefs, your values, and the principles you live by. When your Phoenix reveals itself, it fuels you with a deep sense of purpose that burns brightly with the fire of your passion.

The Game of Life Theory explains that you were born into this life for a purpose, and before this life, you preplanned important events and meetings so you can grow and fulfill the said purpose. You entered this life without a conscious awareness of such blueprints, and you will depend on your free will to go about your life's path. Does this theory portray the truth about our lives? The author invites you to answer this question only after reading this book in its entirety.
This theory explains a lot about the many mysteries of our lives and can be very useful in helping you conquer fears and effectively address your various life situations, thereby enabling you to experience the utmost joy and fulfillment in life.

About the Author

Hiroyuki Hiro Miyazaki has seventeen years of experience in business consulting and project management in the financial industry. After nearly missing the 9/11 terror attack in 2001, he began questioning the meaning of life and explored his inner world, eventually finding his passion in the spiritual and emotional domain and switching careers to become a spiritual healer, teacher, and coach. Focusing on being of service to others, his activity expanded globally, and he has helped many people through private sessions and workshops. His authored course has spread to more than thirty-five countries.

Today, Hiro is a published author and a sought-after inspirational speaker, healing teacher, coach, and consultant. He is the creator of Phoenix Blessing(TM), the emotional healing technique that was invented to heal the toughest emotional challenges brought forth by the Dark Night of the Soul. He was certified as an SIY Teacher, a Spiritual Intelligence (SQ21) coach, a ThetaHealing(R) Science Instructor/Practitioner, a QHHT practitioner, and a Reiki master.
Hiro was born and raised in Japan. He currently lives in Los Angeles and offers private sessions and self-development workshops internationally. He loves traveling, connecting with people in various cultures, and exploring wonders of the world. He has a passion for learning and sharing spiritual practices from ancient Egypt.

Information about his public workshops, online seminars, and private healing sessions can be found at https: //

-SIY (Search Inside Yourself) is a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence training program developed at Google. (https: //
-SQ21(TM) is a Spiritual Intelligence Assessment program created by Cindy Wigglesworth of Deep Change, Inc. (https: // Spiritual Intelligence is defined as the ability to act with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace (equanimity), regardless of the circumstances.
-The ThetaHealing(R) technique is a meditation technique created by Vianna Stibal in 1995, that utilizes a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body, and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. ThetaHealing(R) and ThetaHealer(R) are registered trademarks of THInK (https: //
-QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is a hypnosis technique developed by Dolores Cannon. (https: //