This powerful amp can easily be wired to any arcade game, portable music player, MP3 player, Droid or smart phone, DVD or home entertainment system. Bring out the power for your music or gaming needs. 12 volts DC, works great in car's and boats as well as you home. Features Ample volume for any arcade machines such as Jamma and Mame systems. Two channel Amplifier Requires 12 Volt DC Supply at 2 amps, connector is included and can be directly wired to Jamma power supply. Adjustable volume control Adjustable Treble, Bass and two channel balance.
22 watt RMS 580 watt peek
Speaker Impedance: 4, 8 or 16 Ohm. Philips Power Amplifier Chip Set
Input Impedance: 47K
Minimum THD: < 0.05 %
Frequency response: 20hz - 20KHz RCA Input X1 MP3 / ipod, cable included
Dimension: 110mm (D) X 155mm (W) X 42mm (H) Aluminum allow case Amplifier requires a 12V power supply - This can be taken from a JAMMA PSU or a spare molex connector from a PC power supply (Yellow wire is 12V).
UPC: 765857429687 Jamma 60-in-1 PCB, iCade, Arcade Multigame, Multicade board, JAMMA, Jamma PCB, Jamma 60-in-1, 60 in 1, Jamma Boards, 60 in 1 Arcade, 60 in 1 Jamma, Jamma Arcade, iCade 60 in 1, iCade 60-in-1, Jamma Board, Classic Arcade Joystick, Classic Red Ball Design, Jamma 60-in-1 PCB, Jamma 60-in-1, MAME Joystick, Arcade Joystick, Jamma Amplifier, Mame amplifier, Stereo amplifier, mp3 amplifier, iphone amplifier, droid amp, stereo amp, two channel amp, jamma amp, arcade amp